InterestedOne: 'Any other ideas?'
I have a long time friend, John, who is a 3rd or 4th generation JW. He and his wife have 3 adult children. One is marginally in, one wants nothing to do w/ the org but still in and the 3rd is d'fd (no intention of returning). All 3 are out on their own. Our children also grew up together.
John is extensively used in the circuit and is considered 'a pillar and support of the truth'. His wife is the 'stand by her man' type of wife. She is often heard saying proudly..... 'Watchtower this, Watchtower that'......
My wife has often said that it is sad because though they appear to be 'rich' spiritually (what we think is a facade), yet their children pretty much do not want anything to do with the organization, as a result they don't do much with their kids. John & his wife really do not have anything to show for their hard work all these years in the organization. This scenario can be duplicated many times over with other couples we know who are our age.
I have often wondered about our friends: What is John & his wife's motivation and how do they benefit? Same question you (InterestedOne) ask about the WT leadership.
The answer IMO across the board is PRIDE!
Another explanation can be found in an answer many Catholoics give when asked...'Why do Catholics stay?' The answer......
'I'm still a Catholic because I was born Catholic, raised Catholic, educated Catholic and like being Catholic. I'll never stop being Catholic, despite that many of the current leaders of the institutional church are corrupt thugs, from the parish right up to the Vatican.'
I'm sure the Mormons would say something along the same lines.
By the way: Good topic!